Bounded Water Object¶
class BoundedWaterObject¶
Public Functions
virtual void RestoreDeviceObjects(crossplatform::RenderPlatform *r)¶
Platform-dependent function called when initializing the water object.
void InvalidateDeviceObjects()¶
Platform-dependent function called when uinitializing the water object.
void PreRenderUpdate(crossplatform::GraphicsDeviceContext &deviceContext, float real_time_seconds)¶
Once per-frame update. Do this before any rendering each frame.
vec4 *getWaterProbeOutputs()¶
Get the Array of results from the water probes associated with this water object.
void setWaterProbeOutputs(vec4 *outputs)¶
Set the Array of results from the water probes associated with this water object.
vec4 *getWaterProbePositions()¶
Get the Array of positions of the water probes associated with this water object.
void setWaterProbePosition(int ID, vec3 pos)¶
Set the Array of positions of the water probes associated with this water object.
crossplatform::StructuredBuffer<vec4> *getWaterProbeOutputsBuffer()¶
Get a pointer to the probe outputs buffer.
void setWaterWaveletsSimulator(simul::terrain::WaterWaveletsSimulator *o)¶
Set the water wavelets simulator that this water object will use to generate its surface.
void setWaterGlobals(simul::terrain::globalWaterValues *newWaterGlobals)¶
Set the global water values.
simul::terrain::localWaterValues *getWaterValues()¶
Get a pointer the water values of this water object.
void setCustomWaterMesh(const WaterMeshObjectValues *newObject)¶
Set a given mesh object as the shape of the water object.
void updateCustomWaterMesh(const WaterMeshObjectValues *Object)¶
Update a given mesh object.
WaterMeshObjectValues *getCustomWaterMesh()¶
Get the current mesh object.
void removeCustomWaterMesh()¶
Remove the water mesh.
void updateLODs()¶
Update the LOD values depending on the size of the object.
void updateQuadDensity(vec3 camPos)¶
Update the level of detail of the surface of the water object depending on how far away the camera is.
void setLocation(vec3 newLocation)¶
Set the location of the center of the water object.
vec3 getLocation()¶
Get the location of the center of the water object.
void setDimension(vec3 newDimension)¶
Set the dimension of the center of the water object.
vec3 getDimension()¶
Get the dimension of the center of the water object.
void setRotation(float newRotation)¶
Set the rotation of the center of the water object.
float getRotation()¶
Get the rotation of the center of the water object.
int2 getQuadDensity()¶
Get the dimensions of how many quads the surface of the water object is using.
uint getTotalVerticies()¶
Get the total verticies used to render the water object.
virtual void RestoreDeviceObjects(crossplatform::RenderPlatform *r)¶
struct WaterMeshObjectValues¶
Struct for mesh objects used in water rendering.