
class Aurora

Public Functions

Aurora(SkyKeyframer *pSkyKeyframer)

Default class methods.

inline platform::crossplatform::Texture *GetFieldAlignCurrentMap()

Get Textures.

inline void SetDefaultAuroralGlobalCoverage()

Get and Set Auroral Global Coverage.

void SetDefaultAuroralLayers()

Get and Set Auroral Layers.

inline void SetAuroraIntensityMapSize(uint32_t value)

Get and Set Aurora Intensity Map Size.

inline void SetCloudWindowOrientation(const platform::crossplatform::Quaterniond &q)

Get and Set Cloud Window Orientation.

inline void SetGeomagneticNorthPole(const platform::crossplatform::Quaterniond &q)

Get and Set Geomagnetic North Pole.

void SetDefaultFACs()


bool CheckRenderOncePerFrame(platform::crossplatform::GraphicsDeviceContext &deviceContext)


void SaveToText(platform::crossplatform::TextOutput &output) const


Public Static Functions

static inline float RadianceToRayleigh(float L, float wavelength)

Conversion functions.

struct AuroralGlobalCoverage

Public Functions

inline AuroralGlobalCoverage()

Arc Thickness of the thinnest part of the auroral oval, in degrees decimal.

Public Members

float lowestLatitide

Highest Latitude Aurora can occur, in degrees decimal centred about the geomagnetic north pole.

float maxAuroralBand

Lowest Latitude Aurora can occur, in degrees decimal centred about the geomagnetic north pole.

float minAuroralBand

Arc Thickness of the thicknest part of the auroral oval, in degrees decimal.